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ST9+ tool from GarikBaza
Work with processors of series ST9 +
In many new car radios is applied microcontrollers ST9+ series manufactured by ST microelectronics. Here is list:
ST92F120V1Q7 or V987
Our software is intended to work with EEPROM of this microcontrollers. Firmware for ATMEGA8 You can request on my e-mail, ready made programmers also. Software and help file You can download from this page
To download the program for the computer, facilitating work with the device, it is possible here
We also added support for erasing LOCK 10 and LOCK 13 via connector on the back side of car radio. For firmware update, mail me and I will send You updated firmware
Because of often questions we must say:
This programmer at this moment don`t support any other microcontrollers, except ST92Fxxx series. Well, not yet.....
And one more information! Main differences of microcontrollers ST9+ series is their peripherals and size of flash memory. EEPROMs is the same. Because of it, it`s possible to work with every eeprom of ST9+ series.
As I will decode, I change a code, I dump LOCKED in devices FORD V-series
Details in mail garikbaza@mail.ru
To be able to read and change the code in the V series of FORD models, we are currently working on firmware for work with TMS470 microcontroller. We will inform You at this pages about it, when we finish testing and fix some bugs.
The FTDI driver
DEMO video
For insertion reception press here
The program for the computer
The prices and requisites